Hissit ja hissien varusteet
Vuosikymmeniä DICTATOR on ollut synonyymi hissien osille ja varusteille, varsinkin DICTATOR Standard hissien rullasulkijat.
DICTATOR:n hisseihin liittyvä tuotevalikoima ei vain pidä sisällään liukuovien ja kääntöovien ovensulkijoita, varaosia ja varusteita, vaan myös kokonaisia hissejä, kuten Homelift DHM 500 ja DHE.
Viimeisena mutta ei vähäisempänä, valikoimasta löytyy myös hissien koneistot ja muu mekaniikka jotka voidaan asentaa esim. asiakkaan oman hissikorin yhteyteen kun halutaan modernisoida olevassa oleva hissi.

Hissit ja nostinlaitteet
DICTATOR hissit:
- Homelift DHM 500 according to the machine standard
- Hissi DHE according to the EN 81-2 with reduced measures for pit and headroom and the universal, modular and certified lift shaft system
Standardit hissiovensulkijat
The DICTATOR Standard lift door dampers are characterized by their extremely high quality, their long life – and the large number of different models.
The DICTATOR closing springs are the ideal complement for the DICTATOR lift door dampers. They assure the reliable closing of hinged lift doors.
ATS Putkisulkijat
The ATS tube door closers are installed inside the lift door. There are different executions depending on the type of hinges of the door and the position of installation.
Hissien ovensulkijat
DICTATOR furnishes different lift door closers with arm for the reliable and safe closing of hinged lift doors of different makes.
The landing door damper EDSTD3 is used in hinged doors of Thyssen/Stahl and Otis.
The DICTATOR door operator permits to open all hinged landing doors on the same side of the lift and in the same position with just one operator.
Muut varusteet hissien kääntöoviin
Further DICTATOR accessories for hinged lift doors: door contacts, window frames, door handles
Liukuovien hidasteet ja stopparit
DICTATOR furnishes hydraulic dampers for sliding lift doors, in order to slow them down before the final position.
Jousivaijerisulkijat (Spring Rope Pulleys)
In case of landing doors driven by the car door, the EN 81-1/2 prescribes that it has to be made sure the landing doors close on their own. Here the DICTATOR spring rope pulleys represent the ideal solution.
Muut hissien varusteet
Other DICTATOR Lift Accessories: plastic rollers for sliding doors, magnetic switches